9 x 8 Meter Small House Plan House Design 2Bedroom

Homlovely.com -- This house design will be perfect for you to live in with a small family with comfortable facilities. There are 2 bedrooms and other rooms that are complete and ideal. It also looks beautiful so that it can be built more flexibly and dynamically. For some design details and floor plans of this house, check 9 x 8 Meter Small House Plan House Design 2Bedroom.

Exterior design

As for the facade design, this house has a nice look with a simple style and doesn't have a lot of details, which allows the house to be built more efficiently. At the front, there is also a carport with a shaded roof so that the car is safer.

Interior design

For the interior, there is an open space room that contains a living area, dining area, and kitchen. The living area is at the very front with its back to the dining area and kitchen. The choice of white color can make the room look spacious and bright.

Bedroom design

This master bedroom design features a spacious size with large windows. Although it only has 2 bedrooms, the spacious design will be more satisfying and comfortable. In addition to the bed, there is also a side table, dressing table, and closet.

Bathroom design

The bathroom is also designed with a modern concept. Not much furniture is used but still has an optimal function. There is a glass partition that makes the bathroom not look cramped.

Floor plan design

For a room plan with a size of 8 x 9 meters, it looks very well organized with optimal room access. There is a carport, living area, dining area, kitchen, bathroom, and 2 bedrooms. See the detailed floor plan and size in the picture above.





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Author    : Hafidza
Editor     : Munawaroh
Source   : 7N Design


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