Small 2-Storey House Design Ideas with Modern Style

The design of a 2-storey house does look more luxurious even though it actually has a small size, so many people make a two-story house a dream design. The following is a 2-storey house design idea with a size of 5 x 12 meters that you can use as a reference when you want to build a house with a modern look. Check Small 2-Storey House Design Ideas with Modern Style.

House facade design

As for the facade design, this 2-storey house has a modern minimalist look and looks very beautiful and eye-catching. The balcony design which is made more assertive makes it look like a unique cantilever with the addition of a glass railing which adds an elegant impression to the appearance of the facade. Then for the roof design, the flat roof model is perfect to be combined with a modern minimalist home model like this one.

Interior design

As for the details of the interior design, the design of this house has a unique room concept by creating a small partition in the middle so that it still looks open and feels spacious. There is a living room with a functional partition wall to place several items. As for the back, there is a coffee corner, kitchen, and dining table. This is a modern style that will blow anyone's mind.

Dining room design

This is a view of the dining room behind the partition wall. The design of this dining room looks simple but feels comfortable with a neat arrangement. So that it doesn't look boring, there are several decorations on the walls and also has a chandelier with a design that feels luxurious and elegant. Don't forget the existence of a window which is very important for air circulation in the room.

First floor plan

This is a floor plan and other details of the rooms on the first floor. At the front there is a porch which is small in size but can be filled with several chairs for amenities. As for the interior, there is a living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, 1 bedroom, and a functional area under the stairs.

Second floor design

As for the second floor area, there are several rooms that are simpler and more private. Here there are 23 bedrooms with varied interior designs. To complement the facilities, there is a bathroom with a size that is not too big. Then, like the design of a 2-storey house in general, there is a comfortable balcony for relaxing.





Author     : Hafidza
Editor      : Munawaroh
Source    : B-Art Design is a home decor inspiration resource showcasing architecture, landscaping, furniture design, interior styles, and DIY home improvement methods.

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