Home Interior Decor Ideas - Simple but Looks Stunning

Homlovely.com -- The interior is the part of the house that can determine the comfort of each room's facilities for the owner. Applying a certain style to the interior of the house will make a neat and impressive look. For home decorating ideas that you can replicate, check out Home Interior Decor Ideas - Simple but Looks Stunning.

Open space house

When viewed, this house has a large size. The open space concept that it applies makes this house look more spacious, has good lighting, and is not stuffy. The absence of a partition between the living room and dining room is a look that makes this room look impressive.

Living room

The living room is a must-have facility because in addition to guests, the owner can also make it a cozy relaxing area. For the living room in this house, the choice of plain gray color still looks attractive by using additional carpets with abstract motifs.

Dining room

This dining room is located adjacent to the living room. The minimalist and elegant design is able to give a calming impression to those who see it. The wooden furniture also provides a warm atmosphere for the family. To add a stylish touch, there is a chandelier with a modern design.


A linear kitchen design is perfect for filling the interior of this minimalist-style home. The combination of wood, black and white colors looks very beautiful and not monotonous. The choice of a plain kitchen set design with not many details makes it look very clean and eye-catching.


The last area of the house is the bedroom. The arrangement of the bed in the middle makes it have a remaining space that can be used to place a functional side table. The presence of a window with a large size is able to provide lighting and maximize air circulation in the room so that it is not stuffy.






Author     : Hafidza
Editor       : Munawaroh
Source     : casasakha

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