69 sqm Modern House Design with 2 Bedrooms

Homlovely.com -- Paying attention to the right design for your home is very important. This time we provide references to modern-style home designs that are also equipped with roof decks. Are you interested to see it in more detail? Check 69 sqm Modern House Design with 2 Bedrooms.

Exterior design

On the front, the house has a futuristic style with elegant finishing and a combination of soft and harmonious colors. The porch is elevated and stairs are added for easy access.

Roof design

One of the interesting designs in this house is the additional roof deck that makes the house have an additional functional area. The roof deck is given a glass railing to keep it safe but look stylish. The rest of the roof uses a shed type which is cleaner and easier to apply.

Interior design

The room has an elongated layout by combining several areas without closed partitions. There is a living area, bar counter, dining area and kitchen. The high roof is able to keep the room airy. In addition, the selection of large glass as stationary windows can make the room have the best lighting.

Bedroom design

The bedroom has an interesting design with unfinished walls using wallpaper which still makes the room clean. Other areas around the bed are filled with cabinets and closets to provide more pleasant features.

Floor plan design

This house can be built with a size of 7 x 7 meters for rooms including a living area, dining area, kitchen, bathroom and 2 bedrooms. However, it requires a little extra area for stairs and porch.

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Author     : Hafidza
Editor      : Munawaroh
Source    : Arki Peace

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