9 x 10 m Awesome House Design with 3 Bedrooms + Floor Plan

Homlovely.com -- A beautiful home will certainly be admired by many people. But not only that, home design requires a lot of details that make the house look perfect. The following are home design ideas that you can make a good reference. Check 9 x 10 m Awesome House Design with 3 Bedrooms + Floor Plan.



House facade design

This home design has a fresh and warm look by using a natural finishing scheme that combines soft colors and warm colors then looks perfect when the owner adds a garden in the front yard. The house is also elevated to have an ideal structure and provide safety for the owners in many conditions such as during rain and floods.

Living room design

Next, step into the interior and you will see the living room at the very front with a linear arrangement of the furniture so that it has an elongated space as a cozy access room. The decor maximizes the vertical space to save space.

Dining area and kitchen design

At the back, the kitchen and dining area are close together, making it more efficient for the owner to reach both. The dining area has a large window in the corner that will bring a beautiful view during breakfast. The kitchen uses wood-colored cabinets that also add a laundry area in the cabinet.

Bedroom design

Next is the bedroom with blue interiors that opt for a soothingly elegant tone. Apart from the bed, some other furniture can be incorporated into the bedroom to make it more functional. Make sure to have the right arrangement to keep it comfortable and not feel cramped.

Floor plan design

This house design has a size of 9 x 10 meters which has several rooms including an elongated porch, living area, dining area, kitchen, bathroom, and 3 bedrooms. You can see the details in the picture above.


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Author     : Hafidza
Editor      : Munawaroh
Source    : Azzura Raisya Medina

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