Minimalist & Relaxing Home Design with Cream Nuance

 Homovely.comDesigns that wear cream colors can provide a clean and airy residential accent. Of course, with the right arrangement and the right combination will further improve the residential atmosphere. Check out below for more details.

Facade design

Cream and white shades adorn the appearance of the façade of this house. A fence designed in white will certainly compensate for the design of cream nuances on the residential walls. In addition, plants around the house also provide fresh residential accents.

Minimalist terrace

A small terrace is not a problem as long as it has the right design and the right arrangement. By placing a set of furniture to sit on, this terrace area looks neat and comfortable to relax.

Calm living room

The matching color makes the living room area look chic and feel more relieved. Moreover, curtains that are also equipped with vitrase, will certainly make the design of the living room more elegant.

Bedroom design

The minimalist concept in the bedroom certainly helps the room feel more airy and not messy. You can install a mirror by hanging it on the wall to be more efficient.

Kitchen area

The letter L design in this small kitchen looks neat and airy. With cream as the basic design, you can combine other colors such as white or dark for a neat combination. Do not forget to make the right arrangements so that the kitchen remains neat and clean.

Dining room

The dining room area which is one room with the kitchen has a neat arrangement. Moreover, the use of minimalist furniture will make the design more efficient and does not take up much space.

Author : Yuniar

Editor : Munawaroh

Source : ogiya.gsk is a home decor inspiration resource showcasing architecture, landscaping, furniture design, interior styles, and DIY home improvement methods.

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