452 sqft Small Cottage House Idea with 2 Bedrooms

452 sqft Small Cottage House Idea with 2 Bedrooms

Homlovely.com -- Having a small area of land is not an obstacle to making your dream home. The 452 sqft Small Cottage House Idea with 2 Bedrooms may be one of your inspirations in building your dream home.

Facade design

Having a simple and simple design is the key to this house. Having a small land, this house is designed very well by utilizing the entire land. Placing a small fence in front is a very good idea.

Living area

Inside the house, there is a living area that has a cozy and relaxing feel. A long sofa and a small table can be placed in this area and equipped with several furniture.


The bathroom uses a dominant white color to make it look more spacious and clean. Arranging some furniture is something that can be done more carefully considering, this room has a small space.

Bedroom 1

This first room has a bear window accent and a large bed too. Equipped with a large glass cabinet. You can customize the arrangement of the place according to your style.

Bedroom 2

The second room has a similar style. Still placing large windows. A large bed can be placed in this room. 

Kitchen area

The kitchen area that becomes one with living area has a smaller space. Although small, but this area has some furniture that is an obligation of a kitchen. Also equipped with a dining table.

Rear view

Because of the limited land, the laundry area is placed behind the house by making a little space available but still functioning optimally. This area can be placed with a washing machine and some storage.

That's Outstanding 452 sqft Small Cottage House Idea with 2 Bedrooms, hopefully this design can be your reference for building a dream house.

Author : Devi Milania

Editor : Munawaroh

Source : Exploring Tiny House

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