Small Modern House Design with 3 Bedroom and Roof Deck (8x9 M) -- Home design with an additional roof deck does look functional so it is very favored by many people. This is one of the designs that you can use as inspiration to build a house with a size that is not too large but looks beautiful. Check out Small Modern House Design with 3 Bedroom and Roof Deck (8x9 M).

House facade design

The exterior of this house has a soothing look and looks very beautiful even though it doesn't look big and grand. In addition to the gray-white walls, there are other walls that use natural stones that have a gradation that matches the other parts. Then for the roof design, the sloping roof model looks very perfect when combined with the roof deck.

Functional space

The design of this house has several functional spaces that make it attractive. In addition to a roof deck with a beautiful spiral staircase, there is a laundry area that is made open so that the owner can move more freely and not feel stuffy.

Floor plan design

For details of the floor plan and size, you can see in the picture above. The rooms owned by this house design include a living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms, and also a laundry area.

Open space design

This house has an open plan concept room that has no partitions so it feels spacious and comfortable. There is a living room, dining room, and kitchen that are neatly organized. The room with the dominant white color also makes the incoming light spread well and makes the room feel bigger.

Bedroom design

This is one of the three bedrooms that this home design has. The space is not too large but still feels cozy with some furniture in it. In addition, the windows are essential for this room to feel fresher and less humid.





Author     : Hafidza
Editor      : Munawaroh
Source    : BriaheartTV Design is a home decor inspiration resource showcasing architecture, landscaping, furniture design, interior styles, and DIY home improvement methods.

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