Small 45 Sqm House Design Ideas with 2 Bedroom -- When you only have a small size for your home, don't let it look ordinary and make you feel insecure. The right design will make your small size have a comfortable and of course beautiful home. The following is a design idea for a small house with a size of 45 sqm. For details that you can emulate, check Small 45 Sqm House Design Ideas with 2 Bedrooms.

House facade design

This facade design has a nordic model that makes it look cuter. The touch of natural stone texture on the walls gives a fresh and more varied look. In addition, the design of this house also uses a large mirror so that light can enter more optimally so that the house is not too humid.

House design with carport

If you want to add a carport, this is a design idea that you can use. The high gable roof model still looks beautiful when combined with the flat roof of the carport. You need to know that a high gable roof model can provide a more comfortable atmosphere in the interior because it can minimize hot or cold weather.

Back view

When viewed from behind, the design of this house has a clean appearance using the dominant white color. There is a small ladder that can be used to facilitate access for homeowners.

Floor plan design

For the layout of the room, this 45 sqm house design has a comfortable room. There is a living room, kitchen, two bedrooms and a bathroom. You can see more details in the image above.





Author     : Hafidza
Editor       : Munawaroh
Source      : MB Design House
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