Simple House Design Ideas with Warm Look -- Home designs with a simple look are much liked. The following is a home design idea with a traditional simple look that makes it appear warm and homey. For design details, check Simple House Design Ideas with Warm Look.

House facade design

The appearance of the facade of this house design looks simple by using a minimalist design model combined with a traditional touch using brown like wood. But not only that, other colors are also applied to combine them so as not to give a look that is too monotonous.

Roof design

As for the roof design, this house uses a simple model by applying a flat roof on the front porch and a sloping roof for the larger part. For the edges, black finishing makes it match the overall exterior of the house.

Window design

One of the most important things about home design is the presence of windows, especially when you have a small house. The many window designs of this house can make the interior appear more spacious and not stuffy.

Floor plan design

For details of the floor plan design and its dimensions, you can see in the image above. For a size of 7.65 x 12.5 meters, there are several rooms such as a living room, dining room, kitchen, several bathrooms and 3 bedrooms.





Author     : Hafidza
Editor      : Munawaroh
Source    : AP house loei
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