6x12 Meters House Design Ideas with 3 Bedroom

Homlovely.com -- Home design with a simple and minimalist look is indeed a popular look. The beauty of this house is characterized by many enthusiasts of this style of home design. For those of you who want to build a house with a size of 6x12 meters equipped with comfortable facilities. Check out 6x12 Meters House Design Ideas with 3 Bedroom.

House facade design

The façade design of this house features a simple style with sweet details on the exterior. The deck roof model makes the house look cleaner and tidier. For a beautiful touch, there are several lamps with beautiful light that make this small house look more stunning at night.

Front porch design

Before entering the interior, this house design has an attractive area on the front porch. This spacious area is utilized as an outdoor living room with a roster wall and sofa as facilities. The choice of plain colors makes this area look spacious and calm.

Living room design

Now let's take a look at the interior. There is a small, well-organized living room. In addition to the furniture, this living room also has decorations in the form of wall displays that make the room feel more alive.

Open space area

Unlike the living room which is made to have a partition, this area is made open so that it feels spacious and not stuffy. This area is occupied by the kitchen and dining room near the stairs. This room also has access to the backyard with glass doors that also provide maximum light for the room.

Floor plan design

This house has two storeys, each of which is different in size. The second-floor room is reduced in size, and the remainder of the space is used as a resting area with a spacious balcony. The photo above shows the arrangement of the room in detail.

 Author     : Hafidza
Editor       : Munawaroh
Source      : Azura Raisya Medina

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