7 DIY Small Garden Bed Ideas With “Concrete Blocks” That You Can Build Yourself

7 DIY Small Garden Bed Ideas With “Concrete Blocks” That You Can Build Yourself

Homlovely.com – Do you want to update the look of your garden? There are numerous options available to you. Maybe some of these concrete block small garden bed ideas will work for you. This small garden bed will be ideal for enhancing the beauty of your garden.


Minimalist Garden Bed Concepts


If you have limited space, consider creating a minimalist garden. One option is to create a dry garden with a variety of low-maintenance plants. You can use concrete blocks to make mini garden beds for your flowers to make the environment look neater. Simply cut it into a box shape.



Garden Chair Mini Flower Bed


The next project will be to make a more advanced garden chair. Simply place a flower bed near the garden chair. Create a medium-size flower bed and fill it with colorful flowers. Isn't the combination of a wooden chair and blooming flowers in the example image above very appealing?


Succulent flower bed ideas for small spaces


Of course, you're familiar with succulent plants. These tiny plants come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. Succulents appeal to flower lovers due to their distinct appearance and small size. Make a small concrete block pot large enough to hold your succulent plants.

A small, rising garden bed


The material used to make cement pots is strong, does not break easily, and cannot be moved. You can also make pots with a variety of shapes. One of them is the terraced pot shown above. Isn't it unique and intriguing? Definitely worth a shot.

Vertical Garden Design Using Concrete Blocks


Who would have thought that concrete block material could be used to create a garden with a vertical garden concept? Take a look at the reference image above. Hanging pots made of concrete blocks will be attached to the wall. You can color the pot to make it more appealing.

Colorful Concrete Block Garden Bed


Take a look at the image above; isn't it very fresh and adorable? Make flower pots out of concrete blocks. Arrange and place the pots in the desired pattern. Then, to make it look more alive, add some color. Your garden will become more vibrant and lively.

Making a Concrete Block Flower Shelf


Concrete blocks' primary function is as a building material. Therefore, concrete blocks can be used to construct stacking shelves. This shelf is ideal for displaying flower pots. As a result, the plants will be neater and more appealing to look at. Concrete blocks can be colored to add aesthetic value.

Author    : Rieka

Editor    : Munawaroh

Source    : Various Source

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